Seats for the Elderly

Hey guys I just wanted to see what you all thought about my micro theme. Feel free to criticize!

I like to give my spot to elderly people on public transportation. I feel it is very self-fulfilling. Over my years of using pubic transportation, I have seen many people not give up their seat for elderly people. Is there a reason why people don’t give up their seat to elderly people?

A reason why people may not give up their seat to someone elderly could be they themselves are physically unable. Moms maybe pregnant making it difficult to bare long rides on sometimes never-ending transit lines. Others may have broken limbs or diseases not allowing them to stand for long periods. Another reason could be people are physically unfit. People who are not used to exercising regularly may find it difficult to withstand the physical exertion. A last reason maybe that people are unaware. The elderly person may be behind a person’s line of sight, making them ignorant to the matter.

By looking into this problem one may begin to realize the need to give their seat to elderly people and thereby feel a greater sense of self fulfillment.


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